Custom Stained Glass

A creation in the centuries old medium of stained glass can transform an environment from an ordinary and essentially blank space to a realm of subtle charm and inspiration. The therapy of saturated color, sparkling textures and elegantly drawn lead lines, serve to provide a restive yet stimulating enclave to rejuvenate the senses.

  • Over 40 years of experience
  • Custom designs
  • Old world enhancements
  • Windows, ceilings, and entryways

Stained glass designs are as boundless as your own imagination, flowing out from such diverse sources as lush Tiffany-styled landscapes to the sharp & clean lines of Bauhaus modern geometrics. Whatever the style, transmitted colored light of stained glass transforms ordinary entryways, skylights, room dividers and lighting into an engaging and lively atmosphere.

With a design expertise gained in over 40 years of creating award winning commissions, we have the flexibility to adapt a full range of glass skills to your design goals and parameters. Traditional old world enhancements such as kiln fired painted detailing, fusing, molding and sand carving all add to our abilities to realize what our clients imagine for their art glass projects. We are certainly not bound by simple lead lines when creating a given project.

We feel our work is our best ambassador, delivered on time and on budget; followed closely by the recommendations of our previous clients. We hope our work is inspiring to you, and hope it might serve to deepen your interest in stained glass. It may also create a few questions, and if so, we hope you’ll give us a call at 203 226 9674, or email us at:

We’ll do our best to provide you with the best information available.

If you would like to learn more about our design process or schedule a meeting, please call or email us. We'd be glad to meet you at our studio or your project site.